Backup is important!
In in age where viruses can encrypt your files and computer hardware can fail, it is very important to backup all that important data on your computer to the cloud.
For safety's sake, it is important to have at least one backup service with 30 days of file history to protect yourself from data loss and crypto locker viruses.
Backblaze also works with Synology file servers to backup your network attached storage devices directly to their cloud service.
Backing Up Your Computer
Most people remember to back their computer data up when someone they know has had computer issues and lost their data, or the issues have already happened. The idea of backing up your computer data is to do so before it happens. Backing up data is a preventive action that will pay off when a disaster happens.
Types of Back Ups
There are two main types of back up services. There are pros and cons to both types, and we will discuss these further on.
The first type of back up we will discuss is a Physical Backup method. This is where one makes a copy of their computer on a separate hard drive. This is simply a copy of the data that can be used to transfer between computers, as well as serving the purpose of being a physical back up of the computer.
Some of the PROS of a Physical Backup are:
· Fast, quick and easy to backup
· Relatively Cheap to do
· Simple to Store
· Portable
· Does not require Internet to do so
· Works on any computer (as long as the hard drive is compatible with the OS)
The main attraction to a physical backup is that a user can physically store their own data to their own choosing. Not only that, it is quite easy to back up this data up and does not require a fast internet connection to utilize when backing up data.
Some of the CONS of a Physical Backup are:
· One needs to remember to back up data if the drive is removed
· If the drive is stored on/near the computer, defeats the purpose of making this backup
· Limited storage amount to the size of the drive
· Possibility of malfunction
The second type of back up one can do for their data back up is a Cloud Storage backup. This is where data is stored off site from the computer. This can be done through third party software, as well as ways for the user to store their own data through a digital method. With fast internet and a peace of mind, this is a terrific way to have your data backed up securely away from your computer in case of something happening to your machine. There are numerous third party software plans and companies that have options for cloud backups. File storage/transferring software can also ‘back up’ data, but tend to rely more on a total storage amount, vs back up programs that have no limit on data back ups, but are more reliant on the number of computers that need to be backed up instead.
Some of the PROS of Cloud Storage Backup are:
· Less upkeep/maintenance is required (peace of mind)
· Reasonably priced
· Unlimited storage options available
· Easy to set up for multiple machines
· Does not store data on site (good in case damage to home occurs, theft, etc)
The main attraction to cloud storage is that data is stored away from the machine. This is perfect to maintain data that could potentially be lost from the location of the machine that has the data to be protected. Another attraction, is that the data is tied (normally) to an email associated with an account with the third party software. In order to retrieve any data, one simply needs to log into their account and pull the data. Quite simple and easy to do.
Some of the CONS of Cloud Storage Backup are:
· Requires the Internet to back up (Fast usually the best)
· Third Party backs up information
· Works best on modern day computers (windows 10+)
· First backup tends to be bandwidth intensive